Empowering YOU...
One session at a time...
This website is about YOU
Do you wonder who YOU are?
Have YOU thought that things are not going the way YOU planned?
Want to have clarity and feel that YOU own your life?
Sometimes it only needs an 'AHA' moment.
A moment when things become clearer.
Then, it will be the time for your breakthrough.
This can be achieved only if YOU want to.

Life is like a tunnel
Sometimes, you feel that its darkness will never end
but then, a glimpse of light appears...
I am Iman Bakhache
Yes! I have been in this tunnel many times- and I know I will walk through it again. That’s exactly why I can help you. Before becoming a life coach, I faced my own long, dark tunnels, feeling lost and uncertain, but I found my way through, and so can you.
You don’t have to navigate this alone. I am here to walk beside you, to guide you, and to remind you that even in the darkest moments, there is a path forward. Together, we will uncover your strength, restore your confidence, and help you see the light that’s waiting for you.
Your journey isn’t over- it’s just beginning and I’m here to support you every step of the way.
Practitioner Coach Diploma
Executive & Corporate Coach Diploma
Creativity Coach Diploma
Relationship Coach Training
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program)
35 Days of Transformation Journey
IAPC&M Senior Coach Accreditation
Mentor Training